Residential Weed Management

Our schedule for our basic 4x/season weed management schedule is tailored to our climate.

Weed management isn’t an event – it’s a process. Even in an urban environment, there are an astonishing number of weed species. Prevention through healthy turf and regular replenishment of a thick mulch layer are key to helping us help you – and we can handle the rest with our 4x or 8x seasonal weed management subscriptions.

For residential clients, our 4x seasonal weed management subscription usually suffices. After a full season, our cycle of applications tailored to the biology of different weeds will make a dramatic difference from what you experienced before – you’ll finally be proactively ahead of them, instead of reactively behind. Tough perennials, such as wild violet or ground ivy, may take more than one season to reach full attrition. Your technician can help you know what to expect based on the weed species and population levels in your landscape.

No need to remember our schedule – we’ll contact you the day before we are in your neighborhood every time a new round comes due. If you have projects, parties, or other events that would prevent our visit, no problem! (Just make sure to invite us if you’re having a big barbecue). We’ll reach out again once we progress through all of the neighborhoods we service to perform a catch-up application, then get you back on the normal schedule on the next round.

Questions? You can always call or text us at 208-298-9171. Thanks for stopping by!

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