Residential Weed Management

Our 4x annual weed management subscription is our most popular.

Our schedule for our basic 4x/season weed management schedule is tailored to our climate.

Weed management isn’t an event – it’s a process. Even in an urban environment, there are an astonishing number of weed species. Prevention through healthy turf and regular replenishment of a thick mulch layer are key to helping us help you – and we can handle the rest with our 4x or 8x seasonal weed management subscriptions.

For residential clients, our 4x seasonal weed management subscription usually suffices. After a full season, our cycle of applications tailored to the biology of different weeds will make a dramatic difference from what you experienced before – you’ll finally be proactively ahead of them, instead of reactively behind. Tough perennials, such as wild violet or ground ivy, may take more than one season to reach full attrition. Your technician can help you know what to expect based on the weed species and population levels in your landscape.

No need to remember our schedule – we’ll contact you the day before we are in your neighborhood every time a new round comes due. If you have projects, parties, or other events that would prevent our visit, no problem! (Just make sure to invite us if you’re having a big barbecue). We’ll reach out again once we progress through all of the neighborhoods we service to perform a catch-up application, then get you back on the normal schedule on the next round.

Questions? You can always call or text us at 208-298-9171. Thanks for stopping by!

Winter Mouse Exclusion

That damaged door sweep lets more than cold air inside!

As winter settles in, so do we. We venture outside when we have to: work, groceries, and other essentials to meet our basic needs. Mice need food and shelter, too, so they begin looking for a suitable place to spend the winter when temperatures cool and seasonal rains flood their summer homes. Gaps in our houses no larger than a ¼ inch offer a way inside, and the warm air leaking through these gaps is a temptation mice simply cannot resist.

We rarely see mice when they first enter our homes; their activity is largely nocturnal, a behavior that allows them to better avoid predators. Soon, though, signs start popping up: droppings under the kitchen sink; food packages chewed through; gnawing marks around plumbing holes.

Trapping is the order of the day (never bait in your home, as the mice rarely die in convenient locations – and dead mice in walls create new problems!) Just as important, though, is finding out where mice are entering your home and making sure they can’t get inside in the future.

A typical measure is to stuff steel wool into gaps inside the home – around plumbing, in closet corners, that sort of thing. And while this might help if you live in an apartment complex, it’s a terrible idea in a house. You risk trapping mice in the walls where they die (see the smelly bait scenario we referred to earlier), and, in any event, there is little to stop them from simply chewing a new hole elsewhere in the drywall.

As with most pest problems, the key is to keep mice from getting inside from the outside of your home. While mice can be excellent climbers, they will always take the route of least resistance – look for dime-sized (or larger) holes and gaps around the foundation of your home. Most often, mice enter through damaged crawlspace vents, crawlspace doors, worn or missing door sweeps, and gaps at the corners of overhead doors in attached garages.

Mice are a common problem in winter in our region. If your mouse problem has you at wit’s end, give us a call (or text us) at 208-298-9171. We’re here to help!

Pro Lawn Tips for 2022

Are you ready to tackle your lawn like a pro?

Everybody wants a green, lush lawn. Loads of information about lawn care is available all over the Internet, but how much of it applies to our climate and grass types? Never fear – your hyper-local guide is here! Follow our guide below for the best lawn ever.


A healthy lawn can outcompete weeds, and nothing undermines herbicides more than poor turf management. Why? Well, it starts with the soil. Think of your lawn like a house: there isn’t much point in worrying about your leaky roof if your foundation is crumbling.

Core aeration is a critical component of lawn maintenance. Over time, soil becomes compacted. Compacted soils rob roots of their ability to use oxygen from the atmosphere to absorb water and nutrients. In time, neglect can cause soils to become hydrophobic, further reducing the absorption of water from irrigation and seasonal rainfall. We recommend core aerating your lawn in the spring and fall.

Compacted soils also undermine nutrient uptake and weed control applications. Pre-emergent herbicides and fertilizers applied to compacted soils fail to enter the root zone, eventually leaching away. Grasses suffer, and weeds thrive.

Core aeration solves this problem by removing plugs from the soil, creating a space for nearby soil to relax into. Be sure to use core aeration and not spike aeration, which actually makes the problem worse by increasing compression around the punched holes.

After aerification, we recommend applying humic acid in a granular form, preferably just before seasonal rainfall. Homeowners and property managers with extremely poor soils should apply additional soil amendments immediately after core aeration, and repeat the process twice per season to build up a healthy profile.


Wait! I know – you already water your lawn. Here’s the problem: most folks begin irrigation too late in the spring, and water improperly in the summer. In 2021, we had below-normal rainfalls in a region already classified as semi-arid. That took a toll on lawns, shrubs, and trees, and we expect to continue to see the long-term impact on trees and shrubs well into 2022.

Regardless of what your irrigation box might say, there is no perfect irrigation schedule. It is always best to water more deeply and less frequently to develop more robust roots. If you already have a shallow root system from a frequent, shallow watering schedule, you won’t be able to just switch overnight. Overwatering can lead to disease, while underwatering causes drought stress and encourages insect infestation. The best answer (apart from making lawn care your sole free time activity and monitoring soil moisture levels and weather forecasts to decide on the optimal volume every day), is to install a better irrigation system. Spring is the best time to adopt a new system so your grass is prepared for summer stress.

In recent years, smart irrigation systems have become very affordable. A controller that can run eight zones, and adjust its schedule continuously according to the weather forecast, can be picked up at The Home Depot™ for around fifty bucks.


Along with record low rainfalls and drought stress, 2021 saw massive spikes in fertilizer prices. Increases ran in excess of 70% for nitrogen, 80% for phosphate, and 50% for potash. Ouch!

The good news is, if you’ve followed our recommendations above, your lawn won’t need as much fertilizer. In fact, it never needed as much as the fertilizer sales folks told you it did. Think about it – is anybody fertilizing the rainforest? Of course not. Yet there it is, green and lush as can be, thanks to healthy soils and plentiful moisture.

In the spring, apply a slow-release or organic fertilizer when soil temperatures reach 55° Fahrenheit (about mid-April for Lewiston and Clarkston). On the label, look for the numbers representing N-P-K percentages: the first number is the critical number here. Something like 28-0-0 will do the trick for your nitrogen needs. Be sure the label says “slow release” or “long acting” or something similar.

The other two numbers on a fertilizer label represent phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Phosphorus is only important if a soil test shows a deficiency, or if fertilizing a newly seeded or overseeded lawn. Potassium is important, but plentiful in most soil samples in the Valley. A fertilizer like “30 – 0 – 5 Fertilizer 50% Slow Release” will be just fine for your spring application. Follow the label closely, and make one more application when recommended. This should be no later than mid-June to avoid complications from heat stress.

If desired, very light applications can be made in the summer months; look for a fertilizer such as “15-0-0 with iron.” Follow the label closely. It is far better to use less when it comes to fertilizer. Heavy fertilization, especially with nitrogen and phosphorus, leads to the development of thatch.

When temperatures begin to cool in late September to early October, we recommend one more application with an ammonium sulfate fertilizer at the rates recommended on the label.


While fertilizer can be detrimental to turf when the summer heat arrives, there is another product that is highly beneficial: a soil moisture retention agent. Granular products (such as Hydretain ES Plus Granular OC) improve irrigation retention, decrease moisture loss, and improve drought stress resistance in your lawn. The first round should be applied in early to mid June – earlier is better if rainfall is below normal or tapers off – and simply follow the label of whichever product you choose through the remainder of the summer for continuing application intervals.


If your lawn has thin spots, or you would like to plant a new lawn, we recommend preparing the soil and planting seed in early October. Tilling the soil and adding in amendments is critical to promote the success and long-term health of newly seeded grasses. If using a roller to smooth the surface prior to planting, stick to brief passes to avoid renewed compaction. Check for shade tolerance on the seed labeling if trees or building will significantly reduce sunlight in the newly planted area. If shade has been a problem in the past, consider more appropriate plantings for the area (such as a shade-loving groundcover).

You can download a one-page lawn care calendar with our recommendations for 2022 by clicking here.

Ready for a weed-free lawn? Call or text us at 208-298-9171 for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

We’re Seeing Lots of Mice in Lewiston and Clarkston This Year

Mice are coming indoors in high numbers this fall in Clarkston, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho.


It’s autumn! Falling leaves, cool rains, chilly nights . . . and plenty of mice looking for a warm place to spend the winter!

We had an unusually wet spring this year. Prolonged rains lead to excessive vegetation, which provides mice cover from predators and abundant food. Mice eat the seed, fruit, and insects that abound in all the greenery.

This brings us to a fall season with an unusual number of mice. Winter kills more mice than just about everything else combined; when temperatures drop, mice begin aggressively seeking warmer shelter.

We can help! Follow us on Facebook for this year’s winter pest exclusion tips, or call us for a rodent eviction service. We’ll inspect your home for entry points, set rapid-catch traps to target the indoor population, and make four follow-up visits over the course of a month to ensure all the mice are gone.

We’re offering $50 off our rodent eviction service this fall – just mention coupon code NOMOREMICE2020 when you call, text, or email for an appointment. Contact us today!

call: 208-298-9171

text: 208-298-9171


Autumn = FALLing Prices!

Fall has arrived, and with the cooler overnight temperatures, spiders and insects are seeking a warm place to overwinter! And really, with those pumpkin spice smells coming out of our kitchens, who can blame them?

Get them outside before they come inside with our double exterior spray! Our exclusive treatment is twice as effective as the run-of-the-mill spray you’ll get elsewhere. We use two different insecticides with two different application techniques to achieve the best control possible.

And with our fall discount for new customers, it’s never been easier to make the switch. Call or text today, or try our online scheduling option. We accept credit, debit, check and cash, and you can even pay online – we’ll email your invoice automatically after completing your service.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best Pest Control for Spiders in Lewiston, Clarkston, and Asotin?

Have you wondered why spiders are so numerous in August, when you didn’t seem to see very many earlier in the year?

It isn’t your imagination. There are a few reasons this is the case:

They started out smaller, so were less noticeable.

Spiders take time to grow; at one point, they were tiny, mite-sized hatchlings that could fit on the head of a pin. Awww, are babies just the cutest?

Predators emerge later when prey is more plentiful.

Ever notice how you never see a praying mantis until late in the summer, then it seems they’re all over the place? It would be a disaster for them if they emerged too early in the spring, because there would be so little food. Insect populations build as the season wears on, and predators begin hatching (like our praying mantis friend) or start producing more young to take advantage of the food supply (like those paper wasps all over your south-facing eaves).

It’s so darn hot, and our chores get neglected.

Spiders need undisturbed areas to build their webs and stay put. Think about it: would you keep rebuilding if something kept knocking your house down? Of course not! Mowing, weed-pulling, irrigation, and other general maintenance make it tough for spiders to maintain their webs. Clutter, weeds, and dense growth all make great harborage areas for spiders. These areas tend to build up in late summer, because – darn it anyway – it’s hot, and we’re all tired!

We’re in the Lewis-Clark Valley, along two rivers.

This is the biggie – water sources breed all kinds of gnats, a naturally abundant food source near rivers. You’ve seen those scrubby trees, boulders, and even homes upriver that look like a scene from a horror movie this time of year, right? Sometimes, spider webs blanket every inch of the ground the second you get a foot away from the water. It isn’t just the fish that thrive on flying insects. Spiders love them!

What is the best pest control for spiders?

Maintaining your property is a huge help; remove clutter, mow that grass, and make sure your home and shrubs get washed off regularly so they aren’t a welcome mat for spiders looking for a summer home.

Speaking of maintenance, be sure to check the seals around your windows, your door sweeps, and the sides of your attached garage doors for gaps.

Get rid of spider food sources (other insects) as well as the young spiders by spraying early and often. Starting earlier is better, but it’s never too late to make a dramatic dent in their population. Folks down by the river might need a visit once a month to keep the numbers in check, while others can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from a basic four-times-a-season preventative plan. Some people prefer to call when things start getting just a too little out of hand to conquer with the stuff from your local hardware store. No matter your need, we’re here for you with flexible plans, hyper-local recommendations for the best results, and best of all, no contracts! You decide what is best for your budget and your home. Change your mind anytime. Really!

Call, text, or email us today for a free quote – and be sure to ask why our double exterior spray is twice as effective as anything our competition offers (just don’t ask them, no need to embarrass anyone!) 😁

Call or Text: 208-298-9171
